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Do we still human resource to do software testing in any organisation?

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  • Do we still human resource to do software testing in any organisation?
admin August 26, 2023 0 Comments

Yes, human resources continue to play a crucial role in software testing within organizations. While automation testing has gained significant popularity and has become an integral part of the testing process, it cannot completely replace the need for human testers. Here are some reasons why human resources are still essential for software testing:

  1. Test Strategy and Planning: Human testers are responsible for defining the overall test strategy, planning test cycles, and identifying critical test scenarios. They assess the application’s requirements, user stories, and business goals to design a comprehensive testing approach.
  2. Exploratory Testing: Human testers are skilled at exploratory testing, where they use their intuition and experience to discover defects that may not be covered by scripted test cases. Exploratory testing is valuable for uncovering complex issues and user experience problems.
  3. Usability Testing: Evaluating the user experience and usability of an application requires human judgment and feedback. Human testers can assess how users interact with the software and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Test Case Design and Maintenance: Human testers are involved in creating and maintaining test cases, ensuring they are up-to-date with application changes and covering critical functionalities.
  5. Adaptability and Creativity: Human testers can adapt to new requirements, changes, and unforeseen scenarios during testing. They can creatively approach testing challenges and think outside the box.
  6. Domain Expertise: In domains with specific business rules or regulations, human testers with domain expertise are valuable in understanding and validating these requirements.
  7. Non-Functional Testing: Some non-functional testing aspects, such as performance, load, stress, and security testing, require human expertise to interpret results and assess the impact on the application.
  8. Test Analysis and Reporting: Human testers analyze test results, identify trends, and provide meaningful insights to stakeholders. They create test reports that communicate the application’s quality and highlight areas for improvement.
  9. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): UAT involves end-users validating the application against their specific use cases. Human testers often facilitate and support UAT to ensure the application meets end-users’ expectations.
  10. Complex Test Scenarios: For applications with complex business logic or interactions, human testers may be needed to validate intricate test scenarios that are challenging to automate.

While automation testing brings efficiency, repeatability, and faster execution to the testing process, human testers complement automation efforts with their critical thinking, creativity, domain knowledge, and adaptability. The ideal testing approach for organizations involves a balanced combination of automated and manual testing, depending on the application’s requirements, complexity, and business objectives.


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